We are proud to announce you that Fondina has been awarded the Archiproducts Design Award 2022 in the “Furniture” category. Once again Arrmet is honoured for its high quality design, innovation and the right balance between functionality, technology and beauty. Warm thanks to the designers LucidiPevere for making the difference and demonstrating that design is research, passion, skills in addition to perception of beauty. Congratulations to the team of the product development for the special support and trust.
“We started out with a classic and highly popular type, the bistrot chair. We worked in close contact with the craftsman to optimize every single element and best rationalize the manufacturing and construction process. The main idea behind the project was to make the comfort of the seat striking. We therefore thought of a chair made entirely of wood and as soft as a padded armchair. This can be achieved thanks to a soft, removable cushion. We wanted it to be removable so that the chair could be cleaned quickly and the cover could be washed, if necessary. At the same time, we wanted it to be fixed so that it remained stable and in position even after being used. And so the idea of the magnet came into play: a magnet concealed in the wood, identified only by an incision on the seat.”